
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.





TryHackMe: Res

Published in 02-22, 2023

This is a subscriber only room from Tryhackme

PicoCTF2023 writeups

Published in 03-22, 2023

PicoCTF 2023 competition organized by Carnegie Mellon University (“CMU”)

TryHackMe: Devie

Published in 06-28, 2023

This is a subscriber only room from TryHackMe

HackTheBox: Sau

Published in 12-08, 2023

This is a retired machine from HackTheBox



File Transfer

Info, Red Teaming, 2023

Description :

File transfer between Linux and Windows.


Info, Red Teaming, 2023


WordPress Security Scanner(WPScan) is used to test WordPress installations and WordPress-powered websites, it enumerates details and checks them against its database of vulnerabilities and exploits.


Info, Red Teaming, 2023

Description :

FFUF or “Fuzz Faster you Fool” is an open source web fuzzing tool, intended for discovering elements and content within web applications, or web servers.


Info, Blue Team, 2023

Description :

Volatility is a free memory forensics tool developed and maintained by Volatility Foundation, commonly used by malware and SOC analysts within a blue team or as part of their detection and monitoring solutions.

Introduction to windows forensics

Info, Blue Teaming, 2023

Description :

I am excited to announce that I will be starting a new series of posts on Windows forensics. In this series, I will be diving into the world of digital forensics and exploring the various tools and techniques used to investigate and analyze Windows systems.

Malware analysis: Wannacry

Info, Blue Teaming, 2023

Description :

Today, i will perform a static and dynamic analysis of the infamous Wannacry ransomware.

My Summer Internship

Info, Malware Analysis, 2023

Description :

During my internship at Techso Group, I had the opportunity to delve into the intriguing world of malware analysis. Over the course of the summer, I gained a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that shed light on the intricacies of this ever-evolving field. In this blog post, I’ll share the key takeaways and insights that shaped my understanding of malware analysis.