Basic Static Analysis

Published in 02-14, 2023


Link: Basic static Analysis


  • Learn basic malware analysis techniques without running the malware.

  • FLARE VM is attached to this room for performing practical tasks.

TASK3: String search :

  • Malware authors use several techniques to obfuscate the key parts of their code. These techniques often render a string search ineffective
  • FLOSS uses several techniques to deobfuscate and extract strings that would not be otherwise found using a string search

there is a directory named ‘mal’ with malware samples 1 to 6. Use floss to identify obfuscated strings found in the samples named 2, 5, and 6. Which of these samples contains the string ‘DbgView.exe’?

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>floss --no-static-strings C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mal\6


TASK4: Fingerprinting malware :

  • The imphash is a hash of the function calls/libraries that a malware sample imports and the order in which these libraries are present in the sample
  • We can use PEstudio to calculate the Imphash of a sample.

  • A Fuzzy Hash is calculated by dividing a file into pieces and calculating the hashes of the different pieces
  • We can use SSDEEP to calculate the fuzzy hash.

which of the samples has the same imphash as file 3?

mal3 imphash: file3 mal1 imphash: file1

Using the ssdeep utility, what is the percentage match of the above-mentioned files?

ssdeep -l -r -d C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mal\1 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mal\3


TASK5: Signature based Detection :

  • Signatures are a way to identify if a particular file has a particular type of content.

  • Capa is a tool used to identify the behavior of the file based on signatures such as imports, strings, mutexes, and other artifacts present in the file.

How many matches for anti-VM execution techniques were identified in the sample?

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>capa  mal\4


What MBC behavior is observed against the MBC Objective ‘Anti-Static Analysis’?


At what address is the function that has the capability ‘Check HTTP Status Code’?

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>capa -vv mal\4 > result.txt


TASK5: Leveraging the PE header :

  • The PE header contains information about the libraries that a PE file uses and the functions it imports from those libraries.

Open the sample Desktop\mal\4 in PEstudio. Which library is blacklisted?

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