Windows forensics 3 : System Resource Utilization Monitor

Info, Blue Teaming, 2023

Description :

Today we’re going to see how wen can retrieve a wealth of information about all the activities that occur on your machine.

What is SRUM:

  • The Windows System Resource Usage Monitor (aka SRUM) is designed to track system resource utilization things like CPU cycles,network activity,power consumption.

File Location:


How to copy the file in order to parse it:

  • You can grab SRUMDB.dat using FTK Imager

Download FTK Imager

How to parse the SRUMDB.dat file :

  • SRUM Dump extracts information from the System Resource Utilization Management Database and creates a Excel spreadsheet.


How to use srum_dump:

srum_dump.exe -i SRUMDB.dat -o outfile.xlsx -t SRUM_TEMPLATE.xlsx -r SOFTWARE


  • You can get user name from SID using this command
wmic useraccount get name,sid

more infos about SRUM